When You Have Criminal Charges Ahead Of You That You Want Behind You
Any criminal charge comes with an array of singularly stressful potential futures. Your freedom, reputation and personal relationships are all in jeopardy. However, you still have rights; you are not guilty until it is proven.
My name is Antonio Pena. As a criminal defense attorney, I provide insightful, thorough criminal law defense to people across Miami and Broward County. My personal experience as a prosecutor in high-stakes cases means that I understand the strategies and resources you’re up against. And I am well-positioned to be your advocate.
Learn more about my background by reading my bio in the link below.
Strategic Criminal Defense In Criminal Cases
I work with you to build a strategy to protect your future and freedom. Sometimes, that means no-holds-barred aggressiveness. Other times, it means a much quieter defense. I look into your situation before I move forward with defense in cases like:
- Theft
- DUIs
- Drug crimes
- Assault
- Robbery
- Murder
The goal is to use the right strategy for the right situation, and with my history as a prosecutor, I’ve learned how to do that well to defend you against misdemeanor and felony charges. I have the versatility to pursue the right course of action for you.
Remain Silent And Contact Me
It’s not really a tip to say that when you face any criminal charge – from a DUI all the way up to federal charges – you should exercise your right to remain silent and call for an attorney. When you have me on your side, you can rest easy knowing that I’ll pay close attention to you throughout your case. I will not hand off your issue. I will remain with you for as long as you need me.
Reach out to me by calling 786-667-5055 or sending an email using this form. I can speak with you in English or Spanish.